The Lake Shastina Fire Department, located in the heart of Siskiyou County, California, is a combination department proudly serving Lake Shastina and its surrounding area.
Founded in 1971, Lake Shastina Fire now serves approximately 2500 people inside the community services district, and another 5000 in automatic aid agreements.
LSFD houses One Type 1 (engine 3119) , and 3 Type 3 engines (engines 3110, 3118 and OES engine 8331).
Lake Shastina Fire sends out strike teams in the summer to help aid in the increasingly aggressive California wildfire seasons. LSFD has assisted in major fires, including the Boles Fire (2014), Beaver Fire (2014), Mendocino Complex Fire (2018), Carr Fire (2018), Camp Fire (2018), Red Banks Fire (2019), Kincade Fire (2019), North Complex, (2020) August Complex, (2020) LNU Lightening Complex, (2020) Zogg Fire (2020) Lava Fire (2021) Mill Fire (2022) McKinney Fire (2022)
Due to geological diversity and extreme weather patterns the department responds to a wide variety of all emergency calls including but not limited to: Structure Fires, Wildland Fires, Medical Emergencies, Traffic Collisions, Hazardous Condition Calls, Public Assists